W P H Healthcare Charity


The WPH Charitable Trust is dedicated to providing funding for individuals, groups and organisations to help prevent, relieve and cure sickness in Coventry and Warwickshire. The fund distributes approximately £250,000 every year.
Established in 1994, the Trust has benefited the lives of many individuals and groups to aid, relieve, care and support. The Trust provides grants for medical research, buildings and equipment.
The WPH Trust was set up with funds from the sale of the Warwickshire Private Hospital in 1994.
Whether a particular need is small or large; the Trust can offer financial assistance. Grants have been given to a wide variety of projects across Coventry and Warwickshire including:
The Trust offers funding and grants to :

If you live/are based in Coventry or Warwickshire – click below to apply for funding today.

Funding for individuals

Funding for Organisations

Funding for Medical Projects

The WPH Charitable Trust is a company limited by guarantee and is regulated by its Memorandum and Articles of Association and the Charities Act 1993.
Administrative Office
The WPH Charitable Trust, c/o Blythe Liggins, Edmund House, Rugby Road, Leamington Spa, Warwickshire, CV32 6EL.
The Registered Office

Barclays Bank Chambers, 20 Bridge Street, Stratford upon Avon, Warwickshire, CV37 6AH

Registered in England and Wales Company Number: 1354943

Registered in England and Wales Charity Number: 507325

Click here to contact the Trust

Warwick Medical School and Medical Student Bursaries

The WPH Charity initially gave a pump priming donation of £1,000,000 for the building of the school and has funded a number of other projects over the years.


It also now funds five £3000 student bursaries per year for students in need. A sixth bursary is awarded in memory of H Singh in tribute to a very highly regarded Trustee. These can be found at https://warwick.ac.uk/services/wss/funding/bursariesandscholarships/2016on/#MBChB

The Trustees
The Trustees are responsible for the management and running of the charity. They have the authority and obligation to invest sums of money to produce an income. Income generated from the trust fund is given as donations in the form of grants, utilising at least the anticipated annual net income of the Trust to meet its aims and objectives.

The Trust tries to support capital projects including new buildings and major items of equipment, refurbishment and improvement to facilities and provision of items of equipment for direct patient care, medical research, academic sponsorship and other institutional programmes.

The Trust will support individuals, nursing, administrative or other staff providing direct care and sponsor individuals or groups in their training to care for others and help any other application which the Trust Board deems appropriate; but only in exceptional circumstances will the Trust provide direct support to the NHS or an NHS Healthcare Trust.

About the Trustees:-

The directors as Trustees are senior members of the medical, legal, accountancy and other professions. The majority of Trustees have or have had associations with health organisations. The Trustees reside within the area of Coventry and Warwickshire and give their time voluntarily and without remuneration to fulfil the requirements of the Trust. The current Trustees are:

  • Dr Susan Exon MB ChB DRCOG (Chairperson)
  • Professor Robert Grieve MB CHB FRCR FRCP
  • Dr Peter D J Handslip Mb CHB FRCP
  • Dr Marakatham Venkataraman MD MRCPCH FRCPCH
  • Dr Eileen Berridge BM PGA Med Ed DCH FPCert
  • Mr Martin Turner
  • Mr Neil Morris
  • Dr Chris Marguerie BSc MBBS FRCP
  • Dr Phillip Perkins MB ChB, BSc, PhD, DCH, DCROG, MRCGP, FRCP
  • Dr Helen Gabathuler MRCGP MRCP DRCOG FHEA BM
  • Mr Glenn Walker BSc (Hons) ACIB
  • Dr Andrew Short MB ChB, BSc, PhD, FRCP
  • Mr Jagdeep Singh Sandher, LLB



Medical Projects