Grant criteria
The Trust only gives funds to medically related worthy causes affecting individuals or organisations living in Coventry and Warwickshire. The amount available is based on the income generated from capital investments.
The WPH Charitable Trustees meet quarterly to consider and approve applications.
The next meeting is on the 8th October 2024, and the deadline for applications is midnight on 24th September 2024. “Applications received less than 14 days prior to the quarterly Board Meeting will only be considered if time permits”. However, if an urgent application is received, it will be discussed outside these time frames. Applications of less than £1500 may be approved outside the formal meeting.
You will receive an automatic notification from the charity when your application is received. If not please email the charity at
If you have not heard of an outcome from the charity by eight weeks after your application then please email the charity at the same email address.
These notes are a guidance for applicants about the criteria used by the trustees when awarding funds.
- Applications ONLY considered from individuals and groups based in Coventry and Warwickshire.
- Applications from national bodies, or organisations based outside the region are NOT considered.
- Grants are considered from a wide range of applicants, including individuals, groups and organisations. The size of awards may vary considerably from less than a hundred pounds upwards.An equally wide range of funding purposes is considered, so applicants may require contributions to capital projects, for the purchase of specialist equipment, or for healthcare costs. Examples of previous grants include:
- New buildings
- Major items of equipment
- Refurbishment or improvement of facilities
- Medical research projects
- Academic sponsorship
- Institutional programmes
- The provision of nursing, administrative or other staff providing direct care
- Training costs for individuals or groups learning to care for others
- All applications must be submitted via an on-line application form, or downloaded, printed and sent via post or email after scanning.
- All applications from individuals must be accompanied by a supporting letter from an appropriate professional, outlining the case for support.
- All applications for goods or services to be purchased must be accompanied by at least two quotations.
- If an applicant has been unsuccessful but has new problems or the circumstances alter they may re-apply and a decision will be made that is completely independent of the earlier one.
- Decisions are not influenced by an applicants’ willingness to agree to publicity. Although on occasion the WPH Trust might like to publise a donation there is no pressure exerted on applicants, and if they have offered to take part in promoting the Charity they may change their minds about being involved at any time.
- The trustees’ decisions are final and no feedback is provided.


- Disabilities
- Long-term conditions
- Rehabilitation


- Charities
- Hospices
- Respite care

Medical Projects

- Equipment
- Buildings
- Research & teaching
- Medical student bursaries