The Trust will fund directly Charities based in Coventry and Warwickshire that provide Healthcare for adults and children living there.
Examples of Charities supported in the recent past:
Thistledome – local charity providing outdoor gardening and horticultural training for disadvantaged young people.
Happy Days – local charity given a donation for 15 Disabled Children’s funding
Armonico Consort – local charity that provides singing and drama workshops as part of Disabled Funding to children with special needs.
Safeline – local charity, Funds given to fund a manager’s salary in order to continue to provide emotional support and education to the victims of rape and sexual abuse.
Increasing numbers of individuals in Coventry and Warwickshire are treated for and live with cancer. The Trust does support Cancer Research Funding but also supports the local hospices and the services they provide to both in-patients and out-patients.
Examples of Hospices supported in the past:
The Shakespeare Hospice – funded to continue being able to offer practical help and support to local people with life threatening and chronic diseases or cancer.
Myton Hamlet Hospice –funds given to employ a team leader and to fund a new bathroom and therapy room.
Respite Care
Generally increased life expectancy means that more people are living into old age with chronic and debilitating diseases including dementia. The healthcare of these people puts a tremendous strain on healthcare funding and resources in financial terms and also in emotional terms for their families and providers. Similarly the care of disabled children and young adults strains financial and emotional resources for healthcare providers, parents and carers of these young people. Respite care gives a break to the suffering individual, their families and carers.
Examples of Respite Care supported in the past:
Vitality Trust – funds given to support 7 day respite break for disabled people. Families benefit from the break in caring duties.
Helen Ley Care Home – to give respite care to sufferers of Multiple Sclerosis. Families benefit from the break in caring duties.
The Double R Playscheme – looks after disabled children to allow the care workers to have a break.
Private individual – to pay for multi-care and allow carers to have a break.


- Disabilities
- Long-term conditions
- Rehabilitation


- Charities
- Hospices
- Respite care

Medical Projects

- Equipment
- Buildings
- Research & teaching
- Medical student bursaries