Castle Wood School
Special needs school recieves £15,000 grant
A Coventry special needs school has been able to adopt a specialist pupil development programme, thanks to a £15,000 grant from WPH Charitable Trust.
The grant has enabled Castle Wood School to develop its ‘Move Programme’ by improving pupil mobility using different supporting equipment. The Move Programme enhances pupils’ lives by improving their wellbeing, and allowing them to gain access to more of the school curriculum by being more mobile.
The donation has been used to purchase specialist equipment which helps children with complex physical and learning difficulties develop their functional mobility capabilities. The children need help learning how to sit, stand and walk, and this range of equipment assists them to achieve such skills, and become more adopted into society.
Mobile overhead tracking systems, gait trainers, and a range of equipment for use in the school’s hydrotherapy swimming pool is making a massive difference to how each pupil can learn these fundamental life skills.
Said Jodie Dunn, Move co-ordinator for Castle Wood School: “Your donation has allowed us to buy equipment to support the children learning how to stand and take their first steps. We’ve also bought some pool equipment, which not only helps the children have a lot of fun in the water, but helps to develop their muscle strength, sense of balance and co-ordination.
“By using this new equipment, our pupils can develop their ability to move and so become more independent, and more able to join in with a wider range of other activities.”
The Move programme – originally developed in the USA – seeks to set development plans created around achievable, personal goals set by the individual with the support of their family, to improve people’s physical and communication skills for both learning and life.